Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Personal & hi y'all | Crafts! And a little about me.

Ever since I was younger, I've always enjoyed crafts.  That was something my mom inspired me to do, and something that I continue to this day with my son.  Sometimes when I'm feeling silly, I'll grab a blank canvas and my paint brush, or if I'm just feeling quiet, I'll grab my crochet hook, and attempt to create something wonderful [I say "attempt" bc I'm still getting the hang of crocheting.. but I can make a pretty awesome scarf].

First, a little about myself?  I'm a mother, first and foremost.  It's the best, and hardest, job I've ever done.  How cliché, right?  It's true.  I would never trade that for anything.  I'm also a "baseball mom", to be more exact, which is a very specific and important title [more on that later].  I'm a girlfriend.  To a super wonderful guy.  He helps come up with ideas for me to try next, mostly with my crocheting.  He won't like me saying he's sweet, and he'll deny it, but he is.  I'm a bookkeeper.  How drab.  But, it pays the bills.  And it's something that [sometimes] keeps me on my toes.  I have two fur babies, Tessa [border collie mutt] and Joe [half Maine coon].  And I love my friends and family, close and extended.  Without all the above mentioned, I wouldn't be who I am today.

So here it is.  My simple crafty musings from a simple, crafty [baseball] mama!

Enjoy :)

Oh and PS. The background picture was taken late summer 2013 in Shenandoah National Park.

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